
摘要 大家好,我是小典,我来为大家解答以上问题。sentence翻译成中文,sentence很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!sentence fragments...


sentence fragments翻译成中文就是句子碎片。一般是指某句子看上去样子像个句子,但它从语法上讲并不是一个句子。sentence fragments就是模仿真的句子的假句子。


When winter comes early.[fragment]

Whales in the Arctic Ocean.[fragment]

Stranded in the Arctic Ocean.[fragment]

How to identify sentence fragments

Ask yourself following sentences. If your answers is yes, you have a sentence fragment.

1. Is a word group that starts with a subordinating conjunction not joined to a complete sentence?

[fragment] When winter coms early.

[correct] When winter comes early, ice sometimes traps whales in the Arctic Ocean.

2.Does a word group lack a VERB without being joined to a complete sentence?

[fragment] Whales in the Arctic Ocean.

[correct] Whales live in the Arctic Ocean.

3.Does a word group lack a SUBJECT without being joined to a complete sentence?

[fragment] Trapped in the Arctic Ocean.

[correct] Many whales were trapped in the Arctic Ocean.

Dependent-word fragments

-ing and to fragments

Added-detail fragments

Missing-subject fragments

楼主写的这些是sentence fragments的种类,还是不知道老师要你干什么……估计是要修改fragments吧。。

