
摘要 大家好,我是小典,我来为大家解答以上问题。冰雪奇缘观后感英语版,冰雪奇缘观后感英文及翻译很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1...


1、Today, we see a movie, the name of the film "snow romance". I saw this movie, I think that it is very moving. There is a little girl named Anna in the story, she has a sister, Anna is going to marry a bad guy to Prince Hans, but Anna did not know that Prince Hans is the bad guy, sister but know, therefore, my sister was very angry, do not agree with Anna and Prince Hans married. So she used his ice magic the whole castle all into winter, then alone to iceberg built a snow castle. Anna knew that Prince Hans is the bad guy, hurried to find sister, want to let elder sister put everything back to life. In the struggle, Anna help sister turned a sword. See here, I was so moved by. I also want to learn from them, solidarity and mutual assistance!



